Our love story.
Buster blustered into our life just over a year ago. This sprightly, incredibly handsome gentleman in his what was perceived to be elderly years, (at a mere 10 years old) was a total bundle of energy, character,love and unbelievably intelligence. Age as it is said is only a number, certainly true in Busters case.
On arrival to his ‘retirement home’ he quickly dashed around the house , ‘enjoyed’ his own meal though questionable if tasted at all as it was consumed at such a frantic pace,he then proceeded to steal his new Dads roast chicken dinner!
After giving his new Mum an absolute gorgeous smile he assumed his passionate advances would be well received! He very quickly realised this was unacceptable but cuddles and love were really the best way forward and cuddles in abundance ensued!
Busters smile was just remarkable,adorable and unforgettable.’ I love your smile’ was his mantra and saying/ singing that he would just beam! His sneak attacks comprised of leaning in for a cuddle with his favourite toy, Mr Banana in his mouth, staring hypnotically in your eyes, suddenly dropping it and smothering his victim with licks.
We walked miles every morning , his excitement and enthusiasm whilst being ‘kitted up’ was a sight to behold. Circling at great pace with his banana in situ, lassoing his harness over his head whilst grappling it from his mouth was an art in itself.
Biased as we may be he was so special, he was loved completely and I know he loved us, rescued from poor living conditions he thrived, gained confidence and made friends, both doggie and humans over time in the village.
He was initially intimidated and somewhat scared of men and would be submissive to most other dogs outside of his home. He gained confidence, trusted Brian, his Dad,an amputee recovering during lockdown, (both had stumps as Buster had a very short docked tail so they both had something in common!). Over time they spent more time together and this gave Brian such incentive and determination to be able to walk Buster. Having to adjust to the use of prosthetic leg during lockdown at times when physiotherapy was not available was difficult in itself but he rose to the challenge, especially when said dog pulled like a freight train whilst on a lead!
Busters sudden illness was rapid, aggressive, unexpected, devastating and heart wrenching To have only a year of love, care and attention leaves us at times so bereft. It seems so incredibly cruel and unjust as he was so active and young.The only solace we have is we were all so incredibly happy together and the memories fondness and laughter he brought mean so much to us.
We feel so privileged and honoured that Caessr gave us the opportunity to care and love him, and allowing him to spend his remaining time with us. Forever in our hearts,
RIP special smiley boy.
Sue and Brian